Recurrent Kidney Stones

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The term recurrent kidney stones describes a condition where a person develops kidney stones frequently over time. The following are some characteristics of recurring kidney stones:

Patients who have passed one kidney stone are likely to experience recurrence. Certain medical and lifestyle factors increase the risk of recurrence, such as low urine volume, high levels of substances that form stones (oxalate, calcium, uric acid), and low levels of stone inhibitors.

Thus, it is necessary to carefully treat the underlying risk factors associated with recurrent kidney stones, a common condition to avoid further occurrences.

Causes of Recurrent kidney stones

A repeat episode might occur for a variety of reasons. Most of the time, lifestyle factors including increased consumption of animal protein, particularly red and organ meat, which raises uric acid levels while lowering the demand for chemicals that prevent minerals from crystallizing, are to blame for kidney stone development. If you experience recurred kidney stones, speaking with Dr. Vijay Patel, a doctor for kidney stones in Mumbai, is a wise decision.

Due to high sodium intake and decreased water intake, obesity or being overweight is associated with higher uric acid levels and a greater chance of developing recurring kidney stones.

The likelihood of acquiring kidney stones again or developing more stones can be significantly reduced by making certain lifestyle changes. Losing weight, drinking lots of water, avoiding sodium, eating more fruits and vegetables and less animal protein are a few examples of lifestyle changes.

Not everyone has recurrent kidney stones as a result of their lifestyle; some people also experience it as a result of hereditary or genetic diseases, such as

Contact Dr. Vijay Patel, a nephrologist in south Mumbai, if you have kidney stones that keep coming back or if you wish to prevent them from coming back.

Diet for Recurrent kidney stones

Kidney stone diet recommendations:

Diet programs must be strictly personalized, thus it is recommended to speak with Dr. Vijay Patel, one of the best nephrologists in Mumbai.

Recurrent Kidney Stones Prevention

Prevention is always better than cure, a proverb that applies to everyone and everybody.

According to Dr. Vijay Patel, a kidney specialist in Mumbai, "since kidney stones are made up of painful episodes, every time they appear, it becomes of the utmost importance to prevent their occurrence rather than being careless and suffering through this painful event which also raises the overall cost of the treatment." Additionally, preventing these recurring events can reduce the chance of gradually decreasing renal function.

The following are a few recommendations for avoiding recurrent kidney stones: