Chronic Kidney Disease

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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) develops when the kidneys are unable to perform the functions of filtering toxins and waste as they should be able to. Chronic refers to the gradual over time development of kidney disease.

Most CKD cases don't exhibit any symptoms because the disease progresses slowly. However, CKD leads to a wide range of problems. It is critical to identify it early and manage it so that the pace of renal function loss can be managed and the disorder's further progression can be prevented.

symptoms of chronic disease

How Kidneys Work and CKD Symptoms

The kidneys are almost the same size and have a bean-like shape. The kidneys carry out the task of removing surplus water, waste, and toxins from the blood to create urine. The body's salt and mineral levels, including calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium, are also balanced by the kidneys.

In the majority of instances, symptoms don't appear until 90% of kidney function has been lost. Blood and urine testing are the sole way to detect any changes in kidney function.

The symptoms may be as follow in progressed kidney ailment:
Get in touch with Dr. Vijay Patel, the top kidney specialist in Mumbai, for help and prompt disease management if you encounter any of the aforementioned symptoms,

Causes of CKD and Treatment Options

Chronic kidney disease is characterized by the direct impact of a condition or illness on kidney function, which worsens over months or years. The following illnesses and disorders can result in chronic kidney disease:

Treatment options for Chronic Kidney Disease

The cause of CKD plays an important role in determining the type of treatment, a patient shall receive. Treatment of CKD mostly comprises of the ways to control signs and symptoms, reduce complications and slow the progression of the disease. In cases, where the kidneys become severely damaged, treatment for end-stage kidney disease is given.

Therefore, speak with Dr. Vijay Patel, the best kidney specialist in Mumbai, to get a better treatment plan that fits your situation.

1. Treating the cause:

Your doctor will focus on the root of your kidney illness to slow or control it. The patient's course of treatment is chosen based on the underlying reason. Even if the underlying cause, such as high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus, has been managed, the kidney damage may still develop.

causes of chronic disease