Cystic Disease of Kidney

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Cystic Disease of Kidney

With polycystic kidney disease (PKD), an inherited condition, kidneys are the primary site of cyst development, leading to progressive kidney enlargement and loss of function. Cysts are circular, fluid-filled sacs that are not malignant. The cysts can get very big and range in size. Large or numerous cysts might harm your kidneys.

Cysts in the liver and other parts of the body can also arise from polycystic kidney disease. Serious side effects from the illness include hypertension and renal failure.

The severity of PKD varies widely, and certain consequences can be avoided. Treatments adjustments to your lifestyle may help lessen the harm that problems do to your kidneys.
Consult Dr Vijay Patel, Nephrologist & Kidney Specialist Doctor for Cystic disease. of kidney.He is the best Nephrologist in South Mumbai and one of the best kidney specialist in Mumbai.