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Onconephrology is the study of the wide range of kidney diseases that can develop in cancer patients. In addition to kidney cancers, nonrenal cancers can also cause renal problems. Anticancer treatments such as chemotherapy, targeted anticancer agents, and immunotherapy can also have negative effects on the kidneys, increasing the risk of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances, acute kidney injury, and chronic kidney disease.

Furthermore, renal impairment may change how anticancer drugs are metabolised and excreted, requiring dose adjustments. Improved patient care and the development of new, noninvasive treatments depend on a better understanding of kidney-related malignancies and anticancer medications. The goal of this essay series is to investigate the intricate connection between kidney cancer and a range of

Consult Dr Vijay Patel, Nephrologist & Kidney Specialist Doctor for treatment of Onconephrology. He is the best Nephrologist in South Mumbai and one of the best kidney specialist in Mumbai.