Diabetic Kidney Disease

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Diabetic Kidney Disease (Diabetic Nephropathy)

Diabetic nephropathy, another name for diabetes kidney disease, is a significant consequence of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The ability of the kidneys to carry out their typical function of eliminating waste materials and extra fluid from the body is directly impacted by diabetic nephropathy. However, by leading a healthy lifestyle and properly controlling your diabetes and high blood pressure, this can be avoided or prevented.

The sensitive filtering system in the kidneys is slowly damaged by this illness, which does not advance quickly. Early diagnosis and therapy have been shown to be effective in stopping or slowing the progression of the disease, hence lowering the risk of complications.
If this is not treated effectively, it can progress to end-stage renal disease, often known as kidney failure. One of the life-threatening disorders is kidney failure. Dialysis or kidney transplants are the two available treatments for renal failure.

If this is not treated effectively, it can progress to end-stage renal disease, often known as kidney failure. One of the life-threatening disorders is kidney failure. Dialysis or kidney transplants are the two available treatments for renal failure.

causes of chronic disease

Symptoms, Treatment, and Diet Management

Early kidney disease signs and symptoms are difficult to spot, but later-stage signs and symptoms include:
Get in touch with Dr. Vijay Patel, the top kidney specialist in Mumbai, for help and prompt disease management if you encounter any of the aforementioned symptoms,

Diabetic Kidney Disease Treatment

Treating and controlling your diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension), which includes diet, lifestyle changes, pharmaceutical drugs and exercise, is of utmost importance in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy. Good blood sugar and hypertension control can delay or avoid renal failure and other consequences related to it.

Prescription medicines:

Medication management may be part of the treatment approach for diabetic nephropathy in its early stages.

Diabetes and CKD diet

Listed below are some examples of foods that people with diabetes and CKD can eat. Your dietician can provide further guidance and assistance with meal planning:
The following ways your CKD diet and diabetes diet can work together: Try apple or grape juice for your kidneys if you drink orange juice to treat low blood sugar. The blood sugar increase will occur even with significantly less potassium.

causes of chronic disease